Jamaica$41315$ - tradução para alemão
Dicionário Online

Jamaica$41315$ - tradução para alemão

Jamaica/Economy; Economy of jamaica; Jamaican economy; Made In Jamaïca; Made In Jamaica; Jamaica economy; Tourism in Jamaica; Tourist Attractions in Jamaica; Poverty in Jamaica; Made in Jamaica; Mining industry of Jamaica; Fishing industry in Jamaica; Agriculture in Jamaica; Animal husbandry in Jamaica; Forestry in Jamaica; Economic history of Jamaica; Manufacturing in Jamaica; Taxation in Jamaica; Garment industry in Jamaica; Fishing in Jamaica
  • A proportional representation of Jamaica's exports.
  • Windalco, Alumina plant in the background (Kirkvine, Manchester)

n. Jamaika, Inselstaat der Westindischen Inseln
poet laureate         
  • Genea Brice, Jeremy Snyder, and D.L. Lang, poets laureate of Vallejo.
  • Alfred Lord Tennyson 1809-1892 Poet Laureate lived here
  • Alicia Ostriker, New York State Poet Laureate
  • Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith, and National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman.
  • Amiri Baraka, the second and final poet laureate of New Jersey
  • Derek Walcott of Saint Lucia
  • Edwin Morgan, first Makar or National Poet for Scotland
  • Ella Higginson, first Poet Laureate of Washington
  • Frank X Walker, poet laureate of Kentucky
  • Hadrawi of Somalia
  • Kealoha Poet laureate of Hawaii
  • Henry Real Bird was poet laureate of Montana in 2009
  • John Denver was named poet laureate of Colorado in 1974
  • John Prine posthumously received the title of honorary poet laureate of Illinois
  • Joy Harjo, Poet Laureate of the United States
  • Juan Felipe Herrera, Poet Laureate of California and later of the United States
  • Jack Elliott Myers was poet laureate of Texas in 2003
  • Luis Rodriguez, Los Angeles Poet Laureate
  • Mohammad-Taqi Bahar poet laureate of [[Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar]].
  • Nathan Brown, Poet Laureate of Oklahoma, 2013
  • Patrick Donnelly, Poet Laureate of Northampton, MA.
  • Robert Bly was the first poet laureate of Minnesota
  • Portrait of Geoffrey Chaucer of England
  • Toronto's Poet Laureate George Elliott Clarke who later became Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada
  • Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin of Ethopia
  • Yolanda Wisher Poet Laureate of Philadelphia
Poets Laureate; Poets laureate; Poet laureat; Poet Laureate; Poeta laureatus; Court poet; Court-poet; Poet Laureate of Jamaica
Hofdichter (permanenter Poet am Königshaus, Texter von Reden und Melodien für offizielle Anlässe)
lawsonia inermis         
Lawsonia alba; Jamaica mignonette; Mignonette tree; Lawsonia (plant genus); Camphire; Lawsonia (plant); Lawsonia plant
n. Henna, Pflanze der Blutweiderichgewächse rot-brauner Färbung und weißen Blüten (aus deren Blätter und Zweige wird Farbmitel hergestellt)


·noun One of the West India is islands.


Economy of Jamaica

The economy of Jamaica is heavily reliant on services, accounting for 70% of the country's GDP. Jamaica has natural resources and a climate conducive to agriculture and tourism. The discovery of bauxite in the 1940s and the subsequent establishment of the bauxite-alumina industry shifted Jamaica's economy from sugar, and bananas.

Weakness in the financial sector, speculation, and lower levels of investment erode confidence in the productive sector. The government continues its efforts to raise new sovereign debt in local and international financial markets in order to meet its U.S. dollar debt obligations, to mop up liquidity to maintain the exchange rate and to help fund the current budget deficit.

The Jamaican government's economic policies encourage foreign investment in areas that earn or save foreign exchange, generate employment, and use local raw materials. The government also provides a wide range of incentives to investors.

Free trade zones have stimulated investment in garment assembly, light manufacturing, and data entry by foreign firms. However, over the last 5 years, the garment industry has suffered from reduced export earnings, continued factory closures, and rising unemployment. The Government of Jamaica hopes to encourage economic activity through a combination of privatization, financial sector restructuring, reduced interest rates, and by boosting tourism and related productive activities.